Provide a safe and caring environment for pets while owners are away. Exercise and burn out the pent up energy so owner has a relaxed happy pet.
Assist companies with their visual communications to customers specializing in sovling problems getting the message out.
Produce unique internal content, such as responsive HTML email and monthly eBlasts, leading to $30k in savings per brand per year. Utilize technical expertise in developing department logos for branding, futuristic workplace wall graphics, branded presentations, slideshows, Executive eBanners for communications, & scientific posters.
Confidently and efficiently coordinate Medical, Legal and Regulatory (MLR) information throughout review processes. Conceive and deliver innovative designs for promotional print and digital marketing, as well as for themed signage, letterheads, name badges, web layout, and graphics. Skilled in Veeva Vault content management system and AMOS (Account Management Ordering System) fulfillment.